Move it May campaign

This campaign aims to decrease the incidence of deconditioning of patients/residents whilst in care

Key messages
Target audience

Campaign material


Move it May Stay On Your Feet poster (PDF 788KB)

Move It May SOYF Poster

Move it May poster: hospital (PDF 309KB)

Move It May Poster - Hospital

Move it May poster: RACF (PDF 309KB)

Move It May Poster - RACF



Move it May: 5 seating excercises (PDF 485KB)

Move It May 5 Seating Exercises

Move it May: 5 standing exercises (PDF 441KB)

Move It May 5 Standing Exercises

Information sheets

Move it May information sheet: patients (PDF 371KB)

Move It May Info Sheet - Patients

Move it May information sheet: clinicians (PDF 338KB)

Move It May Info Sheet - Clinicians

Calendars and planners

Move it May calendar: hospitals (PDF 166KB)

Move It May Calendar - Hospital

Move it May calendar: RACFs (PDF 166KB)

Move It May Calendar - RACF

Move it May activity planner (PDF 245KB)

Move It May Activity Planner


Contact us

The campaign is coordinated by the Health Networks Unit on behalf of the Falls Health Promotion Working Group, in conjunction with the Communications Directorate.

Please contact us for any further information or if you require alternative resource formats.



Last reviewed: 01-05-2024