Care Opinion Dashboard
Care Opinion™ (formerly Patient Opinion) is changing the way that patients and families connect with their healthcare providers. Care Opinion™ Australia (external site) is an independent non-profit feedback platform where people can anonymously share their health care experience in Western Australia.
The Department of Health WA has subscribed to Care Opinion™ Australia in order to join in the conversations. This dashboard is an overview of the honest and meaningful conversations on Care Opinion™ about our service providers for the past quarter.
As more patient experiences are shared this dashboard will be developed to provide more detail, click on the Health Service Providers names below to read the stories told so far.
Your story can help make health services better. Tell your story – make a difference (external site).
Three monthly report July – Sep 2024
- 16 stories told
- 1 stories that led to a change
- 124 staff listening
- Spotlight story
- 33 stories told
- 0 stories that led to a change
- 204 staff listening
- Spotlight story
- 61 stories told
- 0 stories that led to a change
- 134 staff listening
- Spotlight story
- 1 stories told
- 0 stories that led to a change
- 10 staff listening
- Spotlight story
- 49 stories told
- 1 stories that led to a change
- 207 staff listening
- Spotlight story
- 213 stories told
- 7 stories that led to a change
- 586 staff listening
- Spotlight story
The total number of stories published about the Health Service Provider in the three month reporting period. Please note that some stories are not published, subject to the moderation policy (external site) of Care Opinion.
Why do we want to know this?
More stories lead to more conversations and opportunities to learn from our patients experiences.
The total number of stories published where the Health Service Provider has responded with either ‘a planned change’ or has ‘made a change’ in the three month reporting period.
Why do we want to know this?
Not all stories provide the opportunity to create a change but when the opportunity arises highlighting the change allows everyone to improve from one person’s experience.
Staff listening
The total number of individual staff from the Health Service Provider that are set up to receive story alerts from Patient Opinion as of the end of the three month reporting period.
Why do we want to know this?
This encourages staff from all areas of the service to learn from the patients shared experience.
Spotlight story
A story from the three month reporting period which exemplifies a high quality response to a person’s story.
Why do we want to know this?
This provides a role modelling opportunity to other staff and acknowledges the role model.
![Green bar](/~/media/Images/HealthyWA/News-and-alerts/Articles/Patient-opinion/green-bar.JPG)
See also