About SMHS
The South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) delivers hospital and community-based public health care services to nearly a quarter of WA’s population across 9 local government areas in southern metropolitan Perth (PDF 2MB). In addition, SMHS provides services to WA Country Health Service (WACHS) patients from the Great Southern, South West, Southern Wheatbelt and Goldfields.
We provide a wide range of services through our hospital network and community-based services.
A snapshot of SMHS services in 2022–23
Throughout 2022–23, SMHS staff provided the following care and treatment across our community:
- Our emergency departments treated 216,214 emergency presentations, including 48,469 presentations for children.
- 5,766 babies were born during the year, including 90 multiple births and 22 births in one day at Fiona Stanley Hospital.
- We treated 3,437 mental health inpatients.
- Our surgical teams performed more than 61,661 surgeries.
- 897,268 outpatient appointments were delivered, including 289,047 digitally or by telephone.
- Our intensive care teams treated 3,215 admissions.
- We provided 159,765 community-based mental health engagements.
See a snapshot of services provided by SMHS in 2022–23.
See who we are and what we do
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