Participate in our research
The participation of patients, carers, consumers and community members in a wide range of research activities is vital to all research conducted across SMHS.
See some examples of our current research activity.
You can participate in our research by:
- being a clinical trial participant and helping us evaluate new drugs, therapies, devices, systems, methods and tests
- reviewing research processes and documentation to ensure it is relevant to consumers
- assisting the research team with tasks such as administration, data entry and conducting surveys
- representing consumer interests and priorities as part of the research team.
Ethical and governance review of proposed research and monitoring of approved research for all SMHS sites is managed by the centralised Research Support and Development Unit (RSDU) based at Fiona Stanley Hospital.
If you are interested in participating in our research projects, please email the RSDU.
You may also wish to make a donation and invest in research linked to hospitals in south metropolitan Perth.
See clinical trial opportunities across SMHS

SMHS continues to be a leader in adopting digital solutions and promotes clinical trial opportunities via a dedicated app.
The ClinTrial Refer app is an Australian digital innovation that enables doctors and patients to independently search for actively recruiting clinical trials and to access trial site locations and contact details in real time.
The app provides information for each individual trial, including eligibility and contact details, and:
- can be used to easily search for clinical trials that match a patient’s health condition
- ensures patients and clinicians can access readily current clinical trial information
- allows clinicians and researchers to connect and collaborate.
ClinTrial Refer is free for health care professionals, patients and carers to download and use. Download it by visiting the Apple App store or Google Play.
Valuing the consumer voice in research
High quality research projects and outcomes are achieved when consumers and researchers work in true and genuine partnership.
SMHS encourages consumers to be involved in all levels of research, from providing advice and feedback to co-designing and leading projects.
Read how the SMHS Consumer Involvement in Research Framework 2024 is giving SMHS consumers a voice in research while supporting researchers to develop meaningful, relevant research which values these perspectives.
Compliments or complaints
If you wish to compliment one of our team members or researchers, or have a complaint about a research project you are involved, please either:
- phone the RSDU on 6152 3214
- email a research related compliment or complaint.
Find out more
Return to the main research page
Level 2, Education Building, Fiona Stanley Hospital
8am – 4pm, Monday to Friday
Phone 6152 3214
Email the SMHS RSDU