Consumer experience
Feedback from patients, their families and carers provides SMHS with the opportunity to:
- gain an understanding of the issues impacting on the patient experience
- identify areas where there is underperformance and implement changes to improve
- highlight positive experiences across the health service
- celebrate staff and departments working together to provide excellent care.
This partnership is essential to us achieving our vision of excellent health care, every time.
There are many ways that you can share your feedback about our performance.
Talk to us
If you wish to offer a compliment or have concerns about the services you are currently being provided, speak with the staff member or manager of that unit or team.
Visit our hospital websites
Our hospital websites detail the many ways you can share your feedback about the services provided by our hospitals and health services, including:
- completing a feedback form
- sending an email
- telephoning the patient liaison staff for that hospital.
Find more information about how to share with us your experiences at:
- Fiona Stanley Hospital (external site)
- Fremantle Hospital (external site)
- Rockingham Peel Group (external site), incorporating Rockingham General Hospital, Murray District Hospital, Community Mental Health Services and the Mandurah Community Health Centre
- Peel Health Campus (external site).
Share your experience on Care Opinion
Care Opinion (external site) is a social media platform that allows you to provide feedback about your experience, or the experience of someone you know, with a hospital or health service.
The South Metropolitan Health Service is notified when a consumer comments about our hospitals or health services.
This not-for profit service enables us to:
- listen and respond in ‘real time’ to your experiences
- use the feedback to improve the quality of our services
- strengthen relationships with our patients, their families, carers, staff and the community.