Annual Report
Despite the lasting impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2022–23 was a busy and productive year for the South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS), with a lot to be proud of.
The launch of the SMHS Sustainability Strategy 2023–2026 continued our organisation’s commitment to the health of the world around us, establishing ambitious targets that will bring tangible changes to the way our organisation impacts the environment.
This year also saw the launch of the SMHS Research Strategy 2023–2033, a 10-year pledge to improve the quality of care for our patients as well as contribute to international knowledge and social and health inequalities.
Other achievements included:
- the establishment of the musculoskeletal emergency department diversion service
- opening of new beds across our hospitals
- the implementation of the digital medical record
- development of twinning links with international hospitals
- launch of a community consultation platform
- the appointment of a Chief Wellbeing Officer, a first for Western Australia.
SMHS also continued to champion equity and equality, in particular to improve Aboriginal health and wellbeing. Development of the Aboriginal health practitioner role as well as increasing Aboriginal cadetships and nursing and midwifery graduate placements are contributing to this.
At the heart of all our achievements was our valued workforce – the care, compassion and dedication they demonstrate to patients, families and the wider community each and every day is remarkable and appreciated.
Read our 2022–23 Annual Report (PDF MB) for further information about our activities and significant areas of achievement as we strive to deliver excellent health care, every time.
Our year
Read the Our year section (PDF 1.5MB) or go directly to one of the following sections:
- Statement of compliance (PDF 106KMB)
- Board Chair’s overview (PDF 1.5MB)
- Chief Executive’s report (PDF 1.5MB)
- Celebrating our SMHS Excellence Award winners (PDF 1.5MB).
Our community
Read about our community (PDF 590KB) or go directly to one of the following sections:
Our structure
Read about our structure (PDF 1.6KB) or go directly to one of the following sections:
Our focus
Read about our focus (PDF 4.1MB) or go directly to one of the following sections:
- Our vision (PDF 4.1MB)
- Our values (PDF 4.1MB)
- Our service delivery (PDF 4.1MB)
- Meeting our commitments (PDF MB)
- Our strategy (PDF 4.1MB)
- Innovation in action (PDF 4.1MB)
- Our issues (PDF 4.1MB).
Performance Management Framework
Read about our performance (PDF 684KB) or go directly to one of the following sections:
- Performance Management Framework (PDF 684KB)
- Summary of key performance indicators (PDF 684KB)
- Financial targets (PDF 684KB)
- Emergency department access performance (PDF 684KB)
- Improving systems to deliver the best possible care (PDF 684KB).
Our compliance
Read our compliance information (PDF 2.8MB) or go directly to one of the following sections:
- Audit opinion (PDF 2.8MB)
- Certification of financial statements (PDF 2.8MB)
- Financial statements (PDF 2.8MB)
- Certification of key performance indicators (PDF 2.8MB)
- Key performance indicators (PDF 2.8MB)
- Governance and legal compliance (PDF 2.8MB), including annual estimates for the financial year 2023–24 (PDF 387KB).
Read the appendices (PDF 598KB) or go directly to one of the following sections:
- Appendix 1: Board and committee remuneration 2022–23 (PDF 598KB)
- Appendix 2: Addresses and contacts (PDF 598KB)
- Appendix 3: List of acronyms (PDF 598KB).
Annual estimates for 2024–25
Read previous annual reports
- 2021–22 Annual Report (PDF 10.5MB) and 2022–2023 Annual estimates (PDF 276KB)
- 2020–21 Annual Report (PDF 10.9MB) and 2021–22 Annual estimates (PDF 348KB)
- 2019–20 Annual Report (PDF 9MB) and 2020–21 Annual estimates (PDF 367KB)
- 2018–19 Annual Report (PDF 10MB)
- 2017–18 Annual Report (PDF 6MB)
- 2016–17 Annual Report (PDF 9MB)