About SMHS
- Health Service Board
- Strategic focus
- Executive
- Conduct and standards
- Freedom of Information
- Governance
SMHS Excellence Awards
- Excellence in clinical care
- Excellence in improving the patient experience
- Excellence in developing and engaging our staff
- Excellence in strengthening partnerships
- Excellence in innovation
- Excellence in sustainability
- Southern Star Award
- Volunteer of the Year
- Researcher of the Year
- Moorditj Dookoorniny Award
- SMHS Stellar Achievement Award
- 2024 SMHS Excellence Awards sponsors
- 2023 SMHS Excellence Awards winners
- 2022 SMHS Excellence Awards winners
- 2021 SMHS Excellence Awards winners
- 2019 SMHS Excellence Awards winners
- Contact SMHS
- Our services
Our care
- Safe, quality care
- Understanding where you will receive care
- Hospital treatment costs for overseas visitors and students
- Patient rights
Patient stories
- Gracie on road to independence thanks to Fiona Stanley Hospital
- HITH helping patients like Janine to go back home
- Pulmonary rehabilitation breathes new life into patients
- Important conversation transforms lives
- Finding positives in the unexpected
- Living a fulfilled life again thanks to occupational therapy
- Breast cancer a surprise diagnosis for Patrick
- Breathing in new life
- Simple blood test can save lives
- A breast cancer journey during a pandemic
- An occupational therapy journey to home
- Allied health professionals giving the gift of recovery
- Private patients
- Support for carers
- Our community
Our research
- About research at SMHS
- Current research
Our research stories
- SMHS is ‘appy’ with study to improve outcomes for patients with concussion
- Study hopes to improve patella dislocation and associated cartilage injury outcomes
- ICU research study set to revolutionise care for critically ill patients
- MoST-TAP trial a possible game-changer for rare cancer patients
- A new approach to clinical supervision
- Comparing tests in adults with advanced respiratory diseases
- Embedding behavioural health in diabetes care
- Improving rural and remote prostate cancer assessment and diagnosis
- Optimising motor neurone disease patient care strategies
- Continuity of midwifery care improves outcomes for women with gestational diabetes
- Heartfelt research to improve care for patients waiting for heart transplants
- Research explores fracture management in the ED
- Biobank enables better outcomes for critically ill patients
- For researchers
- Participate in our research
- Work with us
About SMHS
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