Patient centred approach at heart of SMHS cancer services

Behind every cancer diagnosis is an individual and family who has a unique experience.
Each patient has their own personal story which requires a unique approach to their cancer care journey.
Fiona Stanley Hospital Head of Service Medical Oncology, Dr Wei-Sen Lam, has spent almost a decade treating cancer patients and knows the importance of improving patient outcomes and service.
"While cancer outcomes are improving due to new treatments, we can always do better, particularly for Aboriginal people and those disadvantaged by their socio-economic circumstances or geographic location," Wei-Sen said.
"As people are living longer, we're also seeing more demand on our cancer services across each of our SMHS sites.
"We really want to see all our patients supported on their cancer journey by creating communities, fostering partnerships and establishing networks to help them navigate the new world they've found themselves in."
This week (4 February) marks World Cancer Day, with the theme “United by Unique” which focuses on looking beyond the disease and seeing the person before the patient.
A theme that resonates with Wei-Sen.
At the end of last year, he helped launch the SMHS Cancer Plan 2024–34 which addresses the physical, emotional, psychological, and geographic challenges faced by people with cancer, with a focus on equity.
The only health service provider in WA to launch a Cancer Plan that aligns with the Australian Cancer Plan 2023–2033, Wei-Sen was the SMHS Clinical Lead for the plan.
"The initiative ensures that people with cancer receive the best care available, with access to the latest treatments, technologies, and multidisciplinary care," he said.
"We listened to over 200 passionate staff, consumers, and other cancer care providers, and developed a blueprint to establish the SMHS Comprehensive Cancer Network.
"We're incredibly proud of what we achieved together and look forward to seeing the positive impact this plan will have on the lives of people with cancer."
"Equitable cancer care is at the heart of everything we do and we want this to continue well into the future."
Read the SMHS Cancer Plan 2024–34 online.
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