Patients and staff celebrate launch of first-of-a-kind spinal rehabilitation app

Staff and patients recently celebrated the launch of Your SMHS Mobile Care – a mobile app for patients undergoing rehabilitation for spinal cord injury at Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH).
The app was first pitched to the Kaartdijin Innovation Centre in 2019 by Spinal Ward Nurse Unit Manager Anne Watts and her team, who had a vision for a ‘one-stop-shop’ for their patients.
Through the app, patients are given education resources in a timely manner that correspond to their rehab journey, see their upcoming appointments and engage in their goal setting activities.
This first-of-a-kind app was made possible in collaboration with clinical staff, the Kaartdijin Innovation team and the Informatics team. Through their tireless efforts, we now have an accessible app in patients’ hands that can make a real difference to their experience on the ward.
The launch celebration morning tea was attended by ward staff, the Kaartdijin Innovation and Informatics teams, representatives from the Spinal Outreach Service and patients currently undergoing rehabilitation on the ward.
Your SMHS Mobile Care is a finalist in the ‘excellence in innovation’ category of the upcoming SMHS Excellence Awards on Thursday 20 October 2022.