Top innovation prize for new app that has our patients' backs

Developed by spinal ward clinicians in consultation with our Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH) patients, Your SMHS Mobile Care is the first app worldwide to directly support patients undergoing rehabilitation for spinal cord injury throughout their inpatient care and journey beyond.
Through the app, patients are given education resources in a timely manner that correspond to their rehab journey, see their upcoming appointments and engage in their goal setting activities.
With excellent feedback from both healthcare workers and patients, Your SMHS Mobile Care has been heralded as an overwhelming success so far.
The app’s processes and features are also adaptable to other clinical departments and patient cohorts, and will act as a blueprint to inform and streamline future South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) mobile app developments.
Recently, on Thursday 20 October 2022, the team was recognised for its contribution to patient outcomes, taking home the top prize in the ‘excellence in innovation’ category at the 2022 SMHS Excellence Awards.
Nurse Unit Manager Spinal Rehabilitation, Anne Watts, said winning the award felt like all the team’s hard work had been worth it and was really appreciated by SMHS.
“This app has been three years in the making and that was on top of our already busy workload,” Anne said.
“We are so proud of what the app has already done for our patients, but being chosen as the category winner felt really validating.
“Your SMHS Mobile Care is the first step of a much bigger vision in best supporting patients with spinal cord injuries and this win shows us that the next steps are not only worthwhile – they’re within reach.”
Anne also shouted out the Kaartdijin Innovation team for their part in making this app a reality.
“For a long time the app was a concept we would only talk about and it wasn’t until the Kaartdijin Innovation team came along that we thought it might be possible,” Anne explained.
“As clinicians we don’t know the first thing about building an app and the team was key in getting us past any hurdles thrown in our way.
“Thank you so much to the Kaartdijin Innovation team – if it weren’t for them, the app would have just remained a dream.”
SMHS Chief Executive Paul Forden said he is continually impressed by the high calibre projects, teams and individuals who are in the running at the SMHS Excellence Awards every year.
“We are privileged at SMHS to have a cohort of staff and volunteers who are so passionate and committed to further improving the patient outcomes for our community,” Paul said.
“Congratulations and thank you to all the winners, finalists and nominees.”
Read more about our finalists and winners.