SMHS leading the way in research integrity

The advisors of the new South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) Research Integrity Advisors program were officially welcomed into their new roles by Medical Research Minister Stephen Dawson at the recent SMHS Innovation Showcase this week.
SMHS conducts high-quality research projects at state, national and international level across all its hospitals and community health sites, and the new program is providing researchers with ‘high ethics and high integrity’ support in line with the SMHS Research Strategy 2022–2032 (PDF 1.7MB).
The Research Integrity Advisors program formalises support on research integrity issues including authorship, data management and suspected breaches of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (the Code).
“Promoting good research integrity will enable SMHS to deliver on its research vision and improve patient care and outcomes across and beyond SMHS,” SMHS Director Research Melanie Wright said.
“Integral to this is supporting our researchers to embed integrity as a key value of all research activities.
“Our advisors are experienced and knowledgeable researchers with a thorough understanding of research policies and practices.
“Importantly, they are also well versed in conducting research within the SMHS setting.”
The inaugural advisors are:
- Dr Coral-Ann Almeida – Acting Senior Scientist, Haematology Clinical Trials Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH)/PathWest
- Dr Oyekoya Ayonrinde– FSH Gastroenterology Consultant
- Dr Johnathan Chee – Fremantle Hospital (FH) Mental Health Team Leader
- Dr Roger Clarnette – FH Geriatric Medicine Consultant
- Dr Ivana Ferreira – FSH Podiatrist
- Dr Olivia Gallagher – FSH Nurse Director Research
- Kate Maslen – Coordinator Clinical Trials, FSH Haematology
- Dr Nethia Mohana Kumaran – Research Officer, FSH Haematology
- Edwin Tan – Senior Research Officer, FSH Medical Oncology.
Read our advisor’s profiles.
Advisors are selected through a competitive expression of interest process and serve a 3-year term. To ensure consistency of approach, advisors are provided with training and a procedure document.
“Interactions between advisors and researchers are kept confidential where possible, however there may be situations when this isn’t appropriate, such as breaches of the Code or project protocol,” Mel said.
Researchers who wish to speak with an advisor are invited to send an email including the name of the integrity advisor they wish to talk with. If a preferred advisor isn’t indicated, the enquiry will be directed appropriately. Find more information about support for research at SMHS.