SMHS Community Physiotherapy helps Andrew return to work

Life changed for Andrew Rowling, of Yokine, in January 2024 when he was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, obstructive sleep apnoea and diaphragm palsy.
Unable to walk comfortably to his letterbox, Andrew experienced such severe shortness of breath he had to take long service from his role as a security officer, before changing his work to a desk-based role.
But in February this year, Andrew was referred to the South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) Community Physiotherapy Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program in Jolimont to address his breathlessness.
Andrew said with the support of SMHS Community Senior Physiotherapist Nikki Strahan, and the other group members, the program helped ‘turn his life around’
Physiotherapist Nikki said Andrew attended the group program twice a week for eight weeks.
“Andrew’s program consisted of progressive walking, arm and leg strengthening and education,” Nikki said.
“Andrew was highly motivated, attended regularly and followed advice regarding exercise at home between classes.
“At final assessment his shortness of breath had improved significantly, with Andrew almost doubling his distance in a 6-minute walk test pre and post program, pre: 337m walked in 6 min versus post: 623m in 6 min,” Nikki said.
Andrew was able to return to his previous role as a security officer at work and can now walk up to 60 minutes daily and do a home exercise program.
“I was reminded that I can't stop, keeping active and following the physiotherapy lessons would only improve both my lifespan and peace of mind,” Andrew said.
“I’m just so grateful to Nikki and SMHS for this life changing program.”