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Environment the winner in anaesthetic gas ban at SMHS 05 June 2022 A vote by Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospitals Group (FSFHG) anaesthetists back in 2020 to no longer use the gas desflurane, has delivered a significant win for the environment, and the departments budget. While desflurane is a commonly-used anaesthetic agent, it is also a potent greenhouse gas. Since the 2020 vote, the department has used up the remaining cannisters of the gas and committed to not ordering any more stock. At the time, FSFHG was one of the first in Australia to remove desflurane from theatres. The ban has seen CO2 going into the atmosphere from desflurane drop from 34,554kg per month to zero. In addition, purchasing has gone from a peak of 39 bottles per month to zero, saving $10,000 per month for the department. The move to ban desflurane was driven by the FSFHG Green Theatres Group and anaesthetists Dr Adam Crossley, Dr Jennifer Liddell, Dr James Anderson and Dr Archana S...
Welcome to new cohort of medical staff across SMHS 28 January 2022 2022 is off to a flying start with 133 junior doctors joining SMHS earlier this month. Junior doctors are an essential and highly valued part of our medical workforce.
Celebrating our brave kids 10 December 2021 Ten of SMHS young patients were formally recognised for their courage, spirit and endurance during their treatment in hospital at the Fremantle Dockers Football Club’s annual AJ Diamond Club Bravery Awards.
Celebrating those who donate their time at SMHS 03 December 2021 This International Volunteer Day (5 December 2021), we showcase just some of our many dedicated volunteers and find out why they volunteer at SMHS.
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