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Celebrating our brave kids 10 December 2021 Ten of SMHS young patients were formally recognised for their courage, spirit and endurance during their treatment in hospital at the Fremantle Dockers Football Club’s annual AJ Diamond Club Bravery Awards.
Celebrating those who donate their time at SMHS 03 December 2021 This International Volunteer Day (5 December 2021), we showcase just some of our many dedicated volunteers and find out why they volunteer at SMHS.
SMHS researchers on display at Fiona Stanley Hospital entrances 09 November 2021 Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospital Group’s Head of Audiology Dr Dayse Tavora-Vieira is now seeing double when she walks through the hospital concourse.
New recruitment pathway opening doors from nursing to midwifery 01 November 2021 It was after caring for some of the State’s tiniest and most vulnerable babies that Hannah Simpson knew she was destined for a career in midwifery and woman centred care.
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